Artificial intelligence eye
It is difficult to make a model that functions as a human eye. Object detection, face recognition, depth calculation, and object tracking tasks are difficult to do by a single ML model. In this project, I am trying to combine all computer vision models to mimic the human eye i.e single function that do all computer vision tasks.
Installation and configuration 🔥
The Github repository can also be found here:
To install the current release
$python3 -m venv venv
$source venv/bin/activate
$pip3 install requirements.txt
$pip3 freeze > requirements.txt # after add some feature freeze all dependencies
$ poetry install
Move toward project folder
$ cd eye
Run single function that do computer vision tasks.
Hardware devices
- Coral tpu for object detection
- Intel® RealSense™ Depth Camera D435 for calculating the depth of an image
- Face recognition library for face recognition
- Object tracking custom algorithm for object tracking